The course material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and the course code is licensed under a MIT License by John Helveston.

In addition to my own developed material, I have also modified material from other courses and workshops, including:

Name Author Links
STAT 545 U. of British Columbia course; github
R for Data Science Garrett Grolemund & Hadley Wickham book; github
Handling Strings with R Gaston Sanchez book; github
EEB313: Quantitative Methods in R for Biology U of T Coders course; github
Modern Dive Chester Ismay & Albert Y. Kim course; github
Learning statistics with R Danielle Navarro course; github
R for Psychological Science Danielle Navarro course; github
What They Forgot to Teach You About R Jennifer Bryan & Jim Hester course; github
Introduction to Open Data Science The Ocean Health Index Team course; github
Software Carpentry lessons
Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists François Michonneau & Auriel Fournier course; github
Data Analysis and Visualization in R alpha Data Carpentry contributors course; github
CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming David Kosbie & Kelly Rivers Spring 2017 Course
R for Reproducible Research Anna Krystalli course; github

EMSE 4574: Programming for Analytics (Fall 2020) |
Tuesdays | 12:45 - 3:15 PM | Dr. John Paul Helveston |
Content 2020 John Paul Helveston. See the licensing page for details.