Due: 16 November by 11:00 pm

Weight: This assignment is worth 4% of your final grade.

Purpose, Skills, & Knowledge: The purposes of this assignment are:

Assessment: Each question indicates the % of the assignment grade, summing to 100%. The credit for each question will be assigned as follows:


1) Staying organized [SOLO, 5%]

Download and use this template for your assignment. Inside the “hw9” folder, open and edit the R script called “hw9.R” and fill out your name, GW Net ID, and the names of anyone you worked with on this assignment.

2) Inspect package data [SOLO, 20%]

Write R code to install the dslabs package from CRAN, then write code to load the library. Write some code to preview and inspect the movielens data frame that gets loaded when you load the library using some of the techniques we saw in class. For each of the following questions, write code to find your answer and leave a detailed response in a comment:

3) Answer questions about the data [COLLABORATIVE, 25%]

For each of the following questions, write code to find your answer and leave a detailed response in a comment:

4) Loading and inspecting external data [SOLO, 20%]

Write R code to read in the prisoners2019.csv file located in the data folder. Store the object as df. Write some code to preview and inspect the df data frame using some of the techniques we saw in class. For each of the following questions, write code to find your answer and leave a detailed response in a comment:

5) Answer questions about the data [COLLABORATIVE, 25%]

For each of the following questions, write code to find your answer and leave a detailed response in a comment:

6) Submit your files [SOLO, 5%]

Create a zip file of all the files in your R project folder for this assignment and submit the zip file on Blackboard (note: to receive full credit, your submission must follow the above format of using a correctly-named R Project and .R script).

EMSE 4574: Programming for Analytics (Fall 2020) |
Tuesdays | 12:45 - 3:15 PM | Dr. John Paul Helveston | jph@gwu.edu
Content 2020 John Paul Helveston. See the licensing page for details.