and %/%
of 10s%%
R is a programming language that runs computations while RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) - an interface for working in R with many convenient features and tools.
You can think of the two like this:
R: Engine | RStudio: Dashboard |
![]() |
![]() |
Your car needs an engine (R) to run, but having a speedometer and rear view mirrors (RStudio) makes driving a lot easier.
You will first need to download and install both R and RStudio (Desktop version) on your computer.
After you install R and RStudio on your computer, you’ll have two new applications you can open. We will always work in RStudio. In other words:
R: Do not open this | RStudio: Open this |
![]() |
![]() |
After you open RStudio, you should see the following:
Notice the default panes:
FYI: you can change the default location of the panes, among many other things: Customizing RStudio.
Go into the Console on the left with the >
the command prompt), and let’s get started!
At its core, R is a calculator. You can use arithmetic, relational, and logical operators to evaluate a wide variety of computations.
R can handle simple arithmetic using the following arithmetic operators:
The first four basic operators (+
, -
, /
) are pretty straightforward and behave as
7 + 5 # Addition
## [1] 12
7 - 5 # Subtraction
## [1] 2
7 * 5 # Multiplication
## [1] 35
7 / 5 # Division
## [1] 1.4
Not a lot of surprises (you can ignore the [1]
you see
in the returned values…that’s just R saying there’s only one value to
return). The other three arithmetic operators (^
, %%
) are a little more subtle, so let’s
examine them more closely.
Powers (i.e. xn) are
represented using the ^
symbol. For example, to calculate
54 in R, we would type:
## [1] 625
Integer division:
Integer division is division in which the remainder is discarded.
Note the difference between regular (/
) and integer
) division:
4 / 3 # Regular division
## [1] 1.333333
4 %/% 3 # Integer division
## [1] 1
With integer division, 3 can only go into 4 once, so
4 %/% 3
returns 1
. If you try to integer
divide a number by a larger number, you’ll get 0
4 %/% 5 # Will return 0
## [1] 0
Modulus operator:
The modulus (aka “mod” operator) returns the remainder after doing integer division. For example:
17 %% 3
## [1] 2
This returns 2
because because 17 / 3 is equal to 5 with
a remainder of 2. The modulus returns any remainder, including
3.1415 %% 3
## [1] 0.1415
If you mod a number by itself, you’ll get 0
there’s no remainder):
17 %% 17 # Will return 0
## [1] 0
Finally, if you mod a number by a larger number, you’ll get the smaller number back since it’s the remainder:
17 %% 20 # Will return 17
## [1] 17
R assesses whether a comparison of two values is TRUE
using the following relational operators:
The less than operator <
can be used to test
whether one number is smaller than another number:
2 < 5
## [1] TRUE
If the two values are equal, the <
operator will
return FALSE
, while the <=
operator will
return TRUE
: :
2 < 2
## [1] FALSE
2 <= 2
## [1] TRUE
The “greater than” (>
) and “greater than or equal to”
) operators work the same way but in reverse:
2 > 5
## [1] FALSE
2 > 2
## [1] FALSE
2 >= 2
## [1] TRUE
To assess whether two values are equal, we have to use a double equal
sign (==
(2 + 2) == 4
## [1] TRUE
(2 + 2) == 5
## [1] FALSE
To assess whether two values are not equal, we have to use
an exclamation point sign with an equal sign (!=
(2 + 2) != 4
## [1] FALSE
(2 + 2) != 5
## [1] TRUE
It’s worth noting that you can also apply equality operations to
strings. R understands that a "penguin"
is a
so you get this:
"penguin" == "penguin"
## [1] TRUE
However, R is very particular about what counts as equality. For two pieces of text to be equal, they must be precisely the same:
"penguin" == "PENGUIN" # Returns FALSE
"penguin" == "p e n g u i n" # Returns FALSE
"penguin" == "penguin " # Returns FALSE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
R assesses logical statements using the following logical operators:
A logical expression x & y
if both x
and y
(2 == 2) & (2 == 3)
## [1] FALSE
(2 == 2) & (3 == 3)
## [1] TRUE
A logical expression x | y
either x
or y
(2 == 2) | (2 == 3)
## [1] TRUE
The !
operator behaves like the word “not” in
everyday language. If a statement is “not true”, then it must be
“false”. For example:
## [1] FALSE
In practice, it is often helpful to include parentheses to clarify the statement being made. Consider the following example:
!3 == 5
## [1] TRUE
This returns TRUE
, but it’s a bit confusing. Reading
from left to right, you start by saying “not 3”…what does that mean?
What is really going on here is R first evaluates whether 3 is equal
to 5 (3 == 5
), and then returns the “not” (!
of that. A better version of the same thing would be:
!(3 == 5)
## [1] TRUE
R follows the typical BEDMAS order of operations. That is, you first calculate things inside Brackets, then calculate Exponents, then Division and Multiplication, then Addition and Subtraction. For a more precise statement, see the operator precedence for R. For example, if I type:
1 + 2 * 4
## [1] 9
R first computes 2 * 4
and then adds 1
. If
what you actually wanted was for R to first add 2
, then you should have added parentheses around
and 2
(1 + 2) * 4
## [1] 12
A helpful rule of thumb to remember is that brackets always come first. So, if you’re ever unsure about what order R will do things in, an easy solution is to enclose the thing you want it to do first in brackets.
When I typed 10 + 20
before, I could equally have done
10 + 20
## [1] 30
or this
10 + 20
## [1] 30
and get exactly the same answer.
In R, the #
symbol is a special symbol that denotes a
comment. R will ignore anything on the same line that follows the
symbol. This enables us to write comments around our code
to explain what we’re doing:
2 + 2 # This is a comment explaining that I'm adding two numbers
## [1] 4
Notice that R ignores the whole sentence after the #
R keeps track of your “command history”. If you hit the up key, the R console will show you the most recent command that you’ve typed. Hit it again, and it will show you the command before that.
The second way to get access to your command history is to look at the history panel in Rstudio. On the upper right hand side of the Rstudio window you’ll see a tab labelled “History”. Click on that, and you’ll see a list of all your recent commands displayed in that panel. It should look something like this:
If you double click on one of the commands, it will be copied to the R console.
Any process running on your computer has a notion of its “working directory”. In R, this is where R will look for files you ask it to load. It’s also where any files you write to disk will go.
You can explicitly check your working directory with:
It is also displayed at the top of the RStudio console.
As a beginning R user, it’s OK let your home directory or any other weird directory on your computer be R’s working directory. Very soon, I urge you to evolve to the next level, where you organize your analytical projects into directories and, when working on project A, set R’s working directory to the associated directory.
Although I do not recommend it, in case you’re curious, you can set R’s working directory at the command line like so:
Although I do not recommend it, you can also use RStudio’s Files pane to navigate to a directory and then set it as working directory from the menu:
Session > Set Working Directory > To Files Pane Location.
You’ll see even more options there). Or within the Files pane, choose More and Set As Working Directory.
But there’s a better way. A way that also puts you on the path to managing your R work like an expert.
Keeping all the files associated with a project organized together – input data, R scripts, analytical results, figures – is such a wise and common practice that RStudio has built-in support for this via its projects.
Let’s make one for practice. Do this:
File > New Project ….
You should see the following pane:
Choose “New Directory”. The directory name you choose here will be the project name. Call it whatever you want. RStudio will create a folder with that name to put all your project files.
As a demo, I created a project on my Desktop called “demo”. RStudio created a new project called “demo”, and in this folder there is a file called “demo.Rproj”. If I double-click on this file, RStudio will open up, and my working directory will be automatically set to this folder! You can double check this by typing:
It is traditional to save R scripts with a .R
suffix. Any code you wish to re-run again later should
be saved in this way and stored within your project folder. For example,
if you wanted to re-run all of the code in this tutorial, open a new
file and save it to your R project folder. Do this:
File > New File > R Script
Copy-paste all of the code we’ve typed so far into this file:
10 + 20
4 / 3 # Regular division
4 %/% 3 # Integer division
17 %% 3
3.1415 %% 3
1 + 2 * 4
(1 + 2) * 4
10 + 20
10 + 20
2 + 2 # This is a comment explaining that I'm adding two numbers
Then save this new R script with some name. Do this:
File > Save
I called the file “tutorial.R” and saved it in my R project folder called “demo”.
Now when I open the “demo.Rproj” file, I see in my files pane the “tutorial.R” code script. I can click on that file and continue editing it!
I can also run any line in the script by typing “Command + Enter” (Mac) or “Control + Enter” (Windows).
and %/%
of 10sWhen you use the mod operator (%%
) on a positive number
with factors of 10, it “chops” a number at a particular
digit and returns everything to the right. For example:
123456 %% 1 # Chops to the right of the ones digit
## [1] 0
123456 %% 10 # Chops to the right of the tens digit
## [1] 6
123456 %% 100 # Chops to the right of the hundreds digit
## [1] 56
Integer division (%/%
) does the opposite - it returns
everything to the left of the “chop” point. For example:
123456 %/% 1 # "Chops to the right of the ones digit
## [1] 123456
123456 %/% 10 # "Chops to the right of the tens digit
## [1] 12345
123456 %/% 100 # "Chops to the right of the hundreds digit
## [1] 1234
This works with non-integers too:
3.1415 %% 1
## [1] 0.1415
3.1415 %/% 1
## [1] 3
But be careful - this “trick” only works with positive numbers:
-123.456 %% 10
## [1] 6.544
-123.456 %/% 10
## [1] -13
Here’s some mental notes to remember how this works:
returns everything to the right
(<chop> ->
returns everything to the left
(<- <chop>
)Example | “Chop” point | “Chop” point description |
1234 %% 1 |
1234 | |
Right of the 1 ’s digit |
1234 %% 10 |
123 | 4 |
Right of the 10 ’s digit |
1234 %% 100 |
12 | 34 |
Right of the 100 ’s digit |
1234 %% 1000 |
1 | 234 |
Right of the 1,000 ’s digit |
1234 %% 10000 |
| 1234 |
Right of the 10,000 ’s digit |
You can tell if an integer is even or odd by using mod
. If you get 0
, it’s even; if you
, it’s odd:
10 %% 2 # Even
## [1] 0
11 %% 2 # Odd
## [1] 1
12 %% 2 # Even
## [1] 0
13 %% 2 # Odd
## [1] 1
Page sources:
Some content on this page has been modified from other courses, including: